It's not easy being a big sister

So here we are back in lockdown again. I have yet again lost the ability to work, but now not only on weddings, but also family portrait shoots. I understand and support it, but it is getting me down and I am finding it hard to keep up enthusiasm and positivity. I think that maybe one of the reasons why it is taking me so long to post my blogs. I also think it maybe because I haven't had a lot of work over the past year to share, so i’m saving my photo shoots up, as I did with my Easter eggs when I was a child. I want them to last for as long as possible.

That is enough about me. I want to share these lovely photographs of a wonderful family I had the joy to be able to photograph in the Summer. I had photographed them before, but this time there was a new member. A gorgeous little bundle called Fearne (such a beautiful name). We had to postpone the shoot as it was at the time we had the tropical heat wave. I am more than happy to rearrange shoots, especially when it’s for little children. Being a mum myself I understand the needs of babies and children, and if you are going to photograph them you want them to be as happy and comfortable as possible.

Fearne was adorable and the perfect model, she was happy to be photographed and wasn’t upset by the flash, but on the other hand her big sister Violet, (also a gorgeous name) wasn’t happy about the photographs because she wasn’t happy about becoming a big sister. She really was not impressed and would quite happily have had her new baby sister sent back to the hospital. This did make for one of my most favourite photographs of the year, little frowning Violet who looks deep in thought and contemplation. They say don’t work with children and animals, but I love it as they always make honest and true photographs. Violet was a good girl and worked through her conflicted feelings, and with the help of my magic blue footstool and bean bag she ended up enjoying it and having fun. I’m pretty sure she even came around to the idea of her new baby sister in the end.

I always like to add a personal touch on my baby photo shoot packages, so I made a customised embroidery for the girls.